Windsors & Losers

Camilla, Queen of Wellness

Episode Summary

Central to Queen Camilla’s public image is the idea that she’s an unfussy, no-nonsense, ruddy British everywoman. But those with a nose for useless royal miscellany (ahem, your dedicated hosts) have picked up on Camilla’s frequent under-the-radar visits to an idyllic holistic health spa in southern India run by the charismatic healer to the (British) stars, Dr. Issac Mathai. The Soukya International Holistic Health Centre is frequented by the likes of Emma Thompson, Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson, and yes, Queen Camilla, who we can't say for certain DOESN'T get the "reverse childbirth" colonic irrigation. When she’s not in India, Dr. Mathai is flying to the UK to treat Camilla and Charles at home (something Mathai claims to do frequently). So who is this shadowy healer? Well, for one thing, he’s not shadowy at all. He’s surprisingly loose-lipped about his royal connections, for which we are eternally thankful.