Windsors & Losers

Why Camilla Still Owns Her Own Private Home

Episode Summary

Keen (but formally untrained) royal anthropologists Eva and Allie have noticed that Queen Camilla seems to spend an awful lot of time at a mystery house called “Ray Mill” in Wiltshire, England. It turns out that Ray Mill is Camilla’s private home, one she’s hung onto from her pre-royal days. It’s where she flees on weekends, holidays, and pretty much anytime she fancies a big ol’ G&T in front of Coronation Street, her favorite soap, and a show which Charles reportedly loathes. In episode 4 of Windsors & Losers's “The Camilla Season,” Eva and Allie attempt to untangle Charles and Camilla’s $25 billion dollar property empire and answer the simple question: “Why does the very married Queen hold onto her own house?”