Windsors & Losers

Princess Margaret's Hedonistic Party Paradise, Mustique

Episode Summary

The year was 1960, and Princess Margaret, along with her new husband Anthony Armstrong-Jones, made a fateful trip ashore to the tiny Caribbean island of Mustique during their six week (checks notes — yes, six week) honeymoon aboard the royal yacht. Margaret's party pal from back in London, Colin Tennant (later, Glenconner), had just purchased the island and he cannily offered the princess a plot of land as a wedding gift. It would be another few years before "Margo" cashed in the I.O.U, but when she did, she also asked for a house — naturally. Thus began Margaret's long love affair with the hedonistic party paradise that Colin developed on Mustique. It's where Margaret escaped the glare of public life in London, enjoyed getaways with her boyfriend, and later suffered a series of serious health episodes. In this final episode Windsors & Losers season one, Eva and Allie mentally head to Mustique to revisit what Margaret and the rest of the 1970s glitterati got up to down there. Hint: it once involved spray-painting palm trees gold, outfitting waiters in just gold coconut shells, and polluting the sand with gold glitter.