Windsors & Losers

Has Queen Camilla Ever... Worked?

Episode Summary

An unnamed relative of Queen Camilla’s once described her as “the laziest woman to have been born in England in the 20th century.” This was an assessment often (and rudely!) repeated by staffers, former staffers, biographers, and tabloid journalists to describe Camilla’s pre-royal work ethic. As far as Eva and Allie can tell, Camilla’s only paid gig was as gofer for a prestigious interior design firm in the 1960s… from which she was unceremoniously fired. But is it fair to call a woman who raised two children, ran a large household, had numerous hobbies, and who would go on to become Queen of England lazy? In this episode of Windsors & Losers, Eva and Allie run through Camilla’s professional CV and break down what "work" means for a woman of her class and position.